Elliot’s Yard in Coventry

Gold Arrow Right Elliot’s Yard in Coventry

Construction update video

Client: Farrans Construction

Target: To inform community and shareholders on this modern build stage and actions taken in order to reduce carbon footprint.

Filming Locations: Coventry, United Kingdom

Objective: Reducing the carbon footprint is hugely important in the modern-day construction industry. The local community and shareholders deserve to know what our client is doing to reduce their own. We had to tell them their story.

Idea: It took us a day and a half to gather the footage for this project. Using timelapse, drones and cameras to showcase the scale and importance of their latest project, we would create something amazing.

Feedback: Every stakeholder was impressed, not only finding the video informative but understanding the potential for marketing opportunities. We were booked right away to produce another video as soon as this was completed.

Gold Arrow Right Contact Us

Surrey | London office

Office: 01483 363015

West Sussex office

Office: 07886 271216

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