Spendor Audio

Gold Arrow Right Spendor Audio

Brand Film

Client: Spendor Audio Systems

Target: We needed to make the world fall in love with this product and the people behind.

Filming Locations: Worthing, Brighton

Objective: These high-end speakers are already being sold across the world, so we needed to portray the ingenuity and passion of the developers to a wider audience. We needed to make the world fall in love with this product.

Idea: We wanted a relaxed, honest interview that would help customers see the people behind the business. Set in the owner’s home, it is obvious the client is speaking from the heart and has a deep love for their product.

Feedback: Spendor’s marketing team was able to share their passion with clients all over the globe in the most engaging way possible – through video.

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Surrey | London office

Office: 01483 363015

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Office: 07886 271216

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